Robert A. Ciucevich is the principal and owner of Quatrefoil Historic Preservation Consulting, a full-service historic preservation consulting firm founded by Mr. Ciucevich in 1995 in his hometown of Savannah, Georgia. "Bob" and his associates have completed a diverse range of projects and participated in historic preservation related activities on behalf of cities, counties, federal agencies, community groups, and private individuals. Bob has over 23 years of experience in the field of historic preservation focused in Georgia and neighboring states. He has considerable expertise and experience in conducting historic resources surveys, preparation of National Register of Historic Places nominations, historic preservation tax incentives, Section 106 Review, evaluations of significance based on local and national criteria, and research and documentation. Mr. Ciucevich’s professional experience and education exceeds the National Park Service Professional Qualification Standards for historic preservation published in the Code of Federal Regulations, 36 CFR Part61.
Robert A. Ciucevich
22 West Bryan Street, #139
Savannah, Georgia 31401
(912) 547-1940